Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Please help me to fight cancer

A message from Dan Oltersdorf oltersdorf@gmail.com.

Friends, Family & Colleagues,

As many of you know, I have committed to supporting the American Cancer Society through Relay for Life. I will be walking on July 20 in honor of cancer survivors, in memory of those lost, and in support of all those affected.

Please join my be contributing to this amazing cause. I have committed to letting my staff shave my head if Campus Advantage raises $50,000 this year for Relay.

Please join us in this great cause and contribute what you can. Whether it's $5 or $500, you are making a tremendous difference in the lives of those affected by cancer.


Dan Oltersdorf 

PS... to learn more about Relay, please check out this powerful video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLxQPD7Lj_U

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